My wish - a new smartphone with better camera, better lense and better feature

My Wish – a New Smartphone with Better Camera, Better Lens and Better feature

New year of 2023 is still a bit too far as November has not ended yet and December is still waiting at the gate when I write this posting. But, I have prepared my resolution, my wish for the new coming year, a simple and childish wish.

I wish for a new smartphone. Not that I expect for someone to present me a gift, a smartphone wrapped beautifully. I am just hoping that I can replace the one that I have been using for 6 years with a new one.

The current Oppo A3s has been serving me greatly. It has plenty of features that most of them are unusable by me, who often only needs several apps. It’s also robust enough as it still works well after falling to hard ground several times.

There is no big issue.

The only reason for my wanting to find a replacement is the camera. As a low budget smartphone, as expected, the camera is not so good. The focus is very slow and it gave me many difficulties when trying to capture moving objects or making a reel. The lens is really terrible.

Yes, it’s enough to capture photos if I just want to practice or see the photo by myself, but not if I want to upload to Instagram for promotion.

Of course, it was my mistake, not the Oppo. I didn’t buy the smartphone with an intention to take pictures. I bought it solely with communication in my mind. Although my side job is a photographer, I never intended to use smartphone as my tool to do my job. That’s why 6 years ago, I chose this smartphone.

It has fulfilled what I needed, communication, enough features, robust, dan cheap. It has been a good servant for me.

However, the situation change. for promotional purpose, I need to be more active in social media. My presence needs to be known by as many people as possible. For this purpose, I have to make more contents, like photos or reels to fill my feed on Instagram or Facebook. I need to reach more people.

Of course, I have a DSLR camera. The problem is that bringing it on daily basis is really out of question as I have main job. Meantime, attractive moments during my trip to office are abundant. Many times, I really wished to have a better smartphone camera.

That’s why i really pray and wish that in the next coming year, I can replace the old Oppo A3s with a new one, for sure, it should have a better camera, processor, and lens. I need a smartphone that can take better photos.

The main problem is not because I don’t have the money. I can just go to store and buy it now.

I am a type of person that won’t replace something with a new one, before the old one is broken and unusable. Not only a smartphone, even for shoes, clothes, or any other things, I never bought them just because I want to change. As long as the things still can do the main function, I am OK with that.

That’s the problem, the Oppo A3s is so robust that it works very well as communication tool, without problem. The only weakness, after 6 years, the battery seems to be leaked but it still covers my needs for communication as long as I don’t open video streaming website. I adore it for its resilient.

That’s why my wish for the new year is a new smartphone, with better camera, better lens, and better features. I like it so much that I don’t expect someone else using it. It means that I expect my Oppo A3s “die naturally” that I can find a new replacement.

Unfortunately, it seems I will be stuck with it for another months or years.

(The picture was taken using “the smartphone” and you may see what I am ranting about)

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